The Average price for an apartment in Paris is 450.000/900.000€ and the average surface is 65 m² (650 square feet).
Prices are increasing (+3% in 2012, +10.6% in 2007 versus +9,7% in 2006). Average deadline to sell an apartment is decreasing: between 6 and 8 weeks in Spring 2012.
The maintenance fees are something between 300 and 800 Euros per month, depending on the size of the apartment and the amenities. Owners pay a local tax between 1000 and 5000 Euros a year, depending on the size and the quality of the property., The tenant of the place by January 1st or by default the owner has to pay a city tax for utilities between 1000 and 3000 Euros a year.
In most buildings, utilities like energy and water are not included.
The market is very limited and sometimes, owners are concerned about who is buying. There are no co-op buildings, but sometimes, one or few families own a building and are concerned about their new neighbors.
It is hard to find out what places are for sale
Property finder is the key to investing in Paris, especially if you are living outside France.
Not only is it helpful in finding what exacting you want for an investment, rentals, pied à terre, or a place to share with friends but also a real estate hunter advises you on the price market.
Governmental authorities supervise purchases and sales in order to protect both parties.
A property finder is a real estate agent, entirely focused on his/her client, the property buyer.
The property finder validates the key requirements of his client, supplies data about the Parisian real estate market, is going to be involved in the search screening professional and private real estate advertisements as well as his own network. The property finder regularly informs his client of search developments. As soon as the property finder identifies a suitable property that meets the criteria, the client will be invited to come to France to visit it. Property finders, thanks of their knowledge of the market, are able to negotiate the final price for their clients if this is appropriate. At times, the property finder can save the client the equivalent of his fee!
Finally, the property finder stays in touch to make the acquisition process easier and secure.
To buy a property, the fee is defined before the search starts and it may vary depending on the final price of the acquisition. It is usually between 2% and 5%. Clients will not have to pay anything until the final property buying document are signed at closing.
Clients of property finders are:
Parisian senior managers who need to save time
Expatriates looking for a pied-à-terre in Paris
Other international customers, looking to invest in Real Estate in Paris or looking to buy a timeshare in Paris
Other international customers, looking to invest in Real Estate in Paris or looking to buy a timeshare in Paris
To take advantage of a search managed from A to Z
To be helped spotting the suitable property with objectivity and personalized consultation
To save time, energy and money
To delegate the negotiation to an expert
To take advantage of a network
To be sure to pay the right price
To increase the chance of success
To benefit from an expert to secure the purchase
To learn about guarantees you can benefit from the French system
To benefit from years of experience
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