Complete the Buyer's Specifications Questionnaire below and we ask partners to do a no-obligation FREE search for you that matches your specifications to properties actually available for sale today or in the coming weeks.
This “Buyer's Specifications” questionnaire helps us to find out what your needs and specifications are regarding an apartment in Paris. The property finder will search over thousands of properties in database and from direct contacts to help match you up closely with your wants and desires.
Regretfully, we must advise you that we cannot accept clients with a budget of less than 300,000 Euros. The Parisian market has increased to the point that properties under this selling price are both very difficult to find and generally unacceptable to our clients. We recommend that those with lower budgets search directly through “Particulier a Particulier” or use local real estate agents in the neighborhoods of their specific interest.
The demand: Center of Paris; 3 rooms, 60/70 m² (600-700 square foot), up to 600.000€; balcony or terrace; Research in 3 months - 3 visits in 1 day ;
3 rooms with terrace, 7th floor, parking, large view, Paris 11th arrondissement, building from years 2000, 550.000€
Please give your best answer to each of the eleven questions that follow; omitting a question may negatively affect your search results.